“Untying the Mind Knots”

1. Bump Thump

Bump thump

I take a big old dump

Bump thump

I poop poop poop

Bump thump

Bump thump

Bump thump

Bump thump

I am I am okay

I got i got everyday

When i walk around

Bump thump

When i get up or down

Bump thump

When i watch a show

Bump thump

Get to know the me I know

Bump thump


Bump thump

When i got nothing to do

Bump thump

2. Coin

Do you have money…

3. JAM

4. Anywhere From Nowhere

5. Do Do

6. Wet

7. Decide

8. Gravy Boat ⛵

9. Say I Love You To Yourself

70. Last Track